Right now if honesty time for me. A lot of times I let my frustrations the wrong ways. Its not healthy. I also expect people to know that somethings is wrong so it makes me mad when they don't say anything. Which is bad. I have a lot of personal feelings to fix. Yesterday when I had a little melt down I just emailed my brother. He always says the best things. I miss him a lot lately. I really miss him. Only 17 more months. Sadly it was only supposed to be 9 more months?
Have I ever told what happened to him? If not I will. If I have here it is again.
My brother him right here-->

Got his mission call to mexico. He left on October 13th 2010. He was supposed to come home October 2012. Well he came home 2 months after he left for medical reasons. No doctor really knew what was wrong with him. Finally after be home for 2 months they figured out what was wrong ( I would tell you but I dont know how to spell it and to explain it would be just to long). He got surgery and was good to go in June so he left again June 6th. So minus the 2 months he was in the MTC he will be home April 2013. Oh I forgot to mention that he got reassigned to Atlanta Georgia Spanish speaking.
well that is his story.
I think that is going to be all for now. I need to pack and haven't even started.
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