Sunday, October 20, 2013

A few things you may not know about me....

1. I love surprises
2. I am a very picky eater
3. I am terrified of Tornado's 
4.Pulled Pork is my favorite food
5. In January I leave for 18 months to Tulsa, Oklahoma
6. I am super excited!

Missionary Picture

Opening my call!!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Wanna be Photopragher

I really like taking pictures. Maybe someday I will be a legit photographer,but for now I will enjoy taking pictures of my family.

- Can't get over his cute smile

-Major Cheese 

-Typical Quin 

-I love this family! 

-Made Kaydie which shirts with Hadlee

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

BBY: Friday

8:15- Breakfast
8:45- Devotional
10:30- Free time (the other groups had a class on boys)
We went back to the Hotel and made water balloon flip-flops and jumped on the beds
12:15- Lunch
1:15- More Free time (the rest had a class on Love)
I made my girls take pictures
2:30-8:30-  Dream boards, Dinner and closing ceremony

 yup! those are my girls