Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Let me just complain

I am so sick of this day. This is how my day went
 8:30 woke up-- hoping to work out
8:40 went back to sleep
9:40 woke back up and realized I had to leave for class in 20 min
10:00 left for bus stop
10:10 got on the bus
10:30 got off the bus
10:37 made it to class
10:37-11:40 sat in class
12:20ish got home from class
12:20-1:00 ate lunch and got on my computer
1:00-2:30 took a much needed nap
2:40 went to the bus top
3:00 got on the bus
3:15 late (again) for my class
3:15-4:15 sat in class
4:20 - now sitting in the science building trying to get some homework done
Today has just been an annoying day for me. I just want to go home and go to bed.
but when I get home I still have math homework, I need to write a paper, I need to read 50 pages in a book and study for my biology exam that I have on friday.
I just want this week to be over.

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