This week has been a tough one for me.
It is kind of frustrating.
I am kind of confused why my feelings are such in whack right now.
Well I actually kind of know why but I don't know if I really want to be honest about it.
I have had a some fun days this break but there has been days where I just feel annoyed.
I wished I had more friends.
I really don't know what else to do.
I am just good at feeling sorry for myself.
I do it often enough.
It is sad and pathetic( I know it really is).
This is something I am trying to work on.
I need to make the best out of every situation
Now I could be cleaning my sisters room.
It is full my clothes very where.
I want to stay in my room though.
I don't to see my mom at this moment
We had a little agument this morning.
I haven't talk to her since(my family is a little dysfunctional sometimes well mainly me and my mom).
I still have a lot to learn.
I need to be more grateful for what I have
I really am grateful for my mom she really is amazing.
Life is about learning
I am definitely learning a lot
A lot more then I ever wanted to learn
Friday, December 30, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Pity Party
Sometimes I get in these weird moods where everybody just bugs me. Right now I am in that mood. Certain people just set it off. One little thing they do that I don't like it makes me so annoyed. Sometimes I wish I could just slap in the face and tell them whats up, but sadly I am way to nice to do that. Sometimes I hate myself. I wish I was outgoing and fun,but I am just lame and boring.
Your not a normal human being if you don't ever have negatives about yourself
It only comes unhealthy when your negatives thoughts turn into negative actions.
Right now I am just more annoyed at myself for letting myself be annoyed at people.
But the truth is that people bug.
There is always going to be people who bug.
The only thing can be done about it is they way you react
I am usually pretty good at not letting people bug me.
Today is different.
Today I am at my end.
I want to scream
maybe I will, but later.
I know a lot of my feeling right now are cos I am tired
and desperate for sleep.
Ugh I am so irritated
people sometimes are just dumb.
End of story.
On a good note
I got to talk to my brother on Christmas
I was glad to talk to him
He sounds happy, which makes me very happy.
I was worried he would be sad,his last letter before he called was kind of a downer.
Pinterest moment
haha... Makes me laugh so hard!
On a good note
I got to talk to my brother on Christmas
I was glad to talk to him
He sounds happy, which makes me very happy.
I was worried he would be sad,his last letter before he called was kind of a downer.
Pinterest moment
haha... Makes me laugh so hard!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Finished a post
My unfinished post are piling up. Lately I am having a hard time finishing my post.
Like this unfinished post
Like this unfinished post
I made it!
I am home
I survived my first semester of college
I never thought I would make it
The last few days were hard.
especially this past week.
I missed my friends and family a lot more.
I don't know what is was.
it cos it is Christmas time.
maybe because I was so done with school.
I have defiantly learned some lessons at my first semester of college
1. College is not like high school
2. If you think you have studied enough... Think again.
I know I have learned more but I will save those for later.
This week has been so slow.
I have wanted to be home for so long
now I am.
I love my home.
I love my family
I missed my family
even my brothers (who knew).
specially my sister.
Every time I see her she gets bigger.
I wish I was at home all the time.
I hate not knowing everything that is happening.
I am really going to enjoy being home for 3 1/2 weeks.
I am really going to enjoy being home for 3 1/2 weeks.
oh and like this one
My weekend was going to be productive.
I was going to study.
I was going to finish my math test
I was going to finish my biology homework
I did have some plans to have some fun.
but that was only going to take up just Friday night
and Saturday morning to have a nice roommate Christmas.
My roommates and I decided we would have some fun Friday night
and Saturday morning open presents and have a nice yummy breakfast.
This way we would have time to study Saturday afternoon.
we stayed up till wee hours in the morning watching movies
and doing various things.
We woke up at noon.
By the time breakfast was in the oven
and the presents were open it was 2:00.
One would think 2:00 is still a descent time to start studying
and get in a few hours.
I started one my biology homework.
Finished one or two sections
but after I needed a break
I am not sure how and why
but I ended up watching 4 episodes of Boy Meets World.
That took up the rest of the afternoon.
We woke up at noon.
By the time breakfast was in the oven
and the presents were open it was 2:00.
One would think 2:00 is still a descent time to start studying
and get in a few hours.
I started one my biology homework.
Finished one or two sections
but after I needed a break
I am not sure how and why
but I ended up watching 4 episodes of Boy Meets World.
That took up the rest of the afternoon.
Also can't for get this one
My family is the best. I just love them. Today I surprised them and came home today instead of Monday. I receive a wonderful welcome. I got to wrap a ton of Elk meat. why did I have to wrap of ton of Elk meat? Well my dad just returned from a 15 year long waited Elk hunt. This hunt is all he has been talking about since he found out he drew the tag(and he is still talking about it). Since I haven't been home he needed to tell me the whole story. He is just so cute the way he tell every detail.
and finally this one
I have so much funny things to blog about but since I am lacking so time I am just going to make a list of things I need to blog about and do it in greater detail later...
1. Deer hunting
2. dancing with missy
3. I almost threw up
4. micaille is kermit the frog
5. Oh crap... did I just ask him
6. micaille is sad.. lets sing her songs
7. oh I embarrassed myself why to much
I know these post most likely don't make sense because well they are not finished.
Hopefully this one will get finished.
While I am here I think I will write a little about my few days being back in good old PG.
It is weird how when I am way I so badly want to come back but when I am here I kind of miss my house in Logan.
It is kind of strange how a place in your heart grows for every where you live.
I really love Logan. I love my roommates. Some of them may be hard to live with at times but I still have a place for them in my heart. I always will. We made it through our first semester of college together and we still have one more.
This past week has been good.
I had a nice talk with this wonderful women doing her hair for the choir show (which was amazing)!
She really gets life.
Tonight my family went to the Sing-a-long at Energy solution area. It was actually fun! My family went last year. We had so much fun. We went again this year. It sound stupid but something about a whole bunch of people singing Christmas songs that makes it so fun.
well that is all for now. I am going to be better at finishing my posts.
Monday, December 12, 2011
My weekend was going to be productive.
I was going to study.
I was going to finish my math test
I was going to finish my biology homework
I did have some plans to have some fun.
but that was only going to take up just Friday night
and Saturday morning to have a nice roommate Christmas.
My roommates and I decided we would have some fun Friday night
and Saturday morning open presents and have a nice yummy breakfast.
This way we would have time to study Saturday afternoon.
we stayed up till wee hours in the morning watching movies
and doing various things.
We woke up at noon.
By the time breakfast was in the oven
and the presents were open it was 2:00.
One would think 2:00 is still a descent time to start studying
and get in a few hours.
I started one my biology homework.
Finished one or two sections
but after I needed a break
I am not sure how and why
but I ended up watching 4 episodes of Boy Meets World.
That took up the rest of the afternoon.
I hopped in the shower
hoping that it will make me more motivated to study.
It just made it worst. I laid down and took a nap.
By the time I woke up it was late.
Late enough to order pizza
I had pizza last night at midnight
so yum.
I forgot to mention.
My roommates and I had a sleepover in the living room.
We moved all of our mattresses in there and slept.
way to much.
My day yesterday was no productive.
When I was ready for bed I felt gross
I was mad that I wasted a whole day.
Today was a little better
but not much.
Tomorrow I will study
and finish all my homework.
If not I am deader then a possum.
We woke up at noon.
By the time breakfast was in the oven
and the presents were open it was 2:00.
One would think 2:00 is still a descent time to start studying
and get in a few hours.
I started one my biology homework.
Finished one or two sections
but after I needed a break
I am not sure how and why
but I ended up watching 4 episodes of Boy Meets World.
That took up the rest of the afternoon.
I hopped in the shower
hoping that it will make me more motivated to study.
It just made it worst. I laid down and took a nap.
By the time I woke up it was late.
Late enough to order pizza
I had pizza last night at midnight
so yum.
I forgot to mention.
My roommates and I had a sleepover in the living room.
We moved all of our mattresses in there and slept.
way to much.
My day yesterday was no productive.
When I was ready for bed I felt gross
I was mad that I wasted a whole day.
Today was a little better
but not much.
Tomorrow I will study
and finish all my homework.
If not I am deader then a possum.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
I am grateful for... and super long post
I know everyone and their dog does this but I want to give it a try....
1. I am grateful my bed. I am so glad that I have a nice comfy bed that I love going to sleep in every night.
2. I am grateful for my scholarship. It made it possible for me to be here in Logan
3. I am grateful for Utah State University. I love it. I am looking forward for being here for 4 more years
4. I am grateful for new friends that I have made. It not many but I love meeting new people
5. I am grateful for my roommates.I was truly blessed with the roommates I have
6. I am grateful for my mom. I love she is amazing. she makes me food that I microwave and it is ready to eat
7. I am grateful for my lap top. It makes it possible for me to do homework and waste my time.
8. I am grateful for cowboys. I will marry one someday
9 I am grateful for coats. It is freezing and they keep me warm.
10. I am grateful for fun professors. they make it easier to go to class
11. I am grateful for alarm clocks. even though most the time I sleep through them.
12. I am grateful for the sun. I don't think I will be seeing much of it any more. since it is snowing now.
13. I am grateful for the gospel. I love it. I am glad it has has a big part of who I am today.
14. I am grateful for service. I love to serve. It can be so rewarding. Being served is also eye opening
15. I am grateful for brownies. They just make your when you need a good treat.
16. I am grateful for my little sister. She made my day today by sending me a paper turkey in the mail.
17. I am grateful for you tube. Some of those videos just make you laugh and possibly make your day.
18. I am grateful for Logan, Utah. I love where I am living. It may be cold, but it is always pretty
19. I am grateful for snow scrapers. I cleaned off Missy's car. Would not have been fun with out one.
20. I am grateful for Stretch Parties. I love my family ( feel free to ask what a stretch party is).
21. I am grateful for my Camo Hoodie. I just love it. It is so cute and warm.
22. I am grateful for cars. I don't have a car up in Logan. I am really enjoying having one for this week
23. I am grateful for blankets. They serve a great purpose in life.
24. I am grateful for food. I got to eat some delicious food today!
25. I am grateful for my Brother. He is gone but will be back in 1 1/2 years. (long time... I know).
26. I am grateful for Sara Allen. She only needs 1 word to describe her. Amazing!!!
27. I am grateful for movies. They entertain me when I have nothing to do.
28. I am grateful for pinterest. It just has a way of making me happy
29.I am grateful for the Aggie shuttle. It may take a long time sometimes to ride,but it sure keeps me warm
30. I am grateful for nap time. I would not be able to function with out naps
I am a few days late of posting this. But here it is.
and as of late...
I have learned taking naps in the library are just awesome!
Micaille has the best mom. She buys us Christmas decorations.

More detailed and finished project to be posted soon!
13. I am grateful for the gospel. I love it. I am glad it has has a big part of who I am today.
14. I am grateful for service. I love to serve. It can be so rewarding. Being served is also eye opening
15. I am grateful for brownies. They just make your when you need a good treat.
16. I am grateful for my little sister. She made my day today by sending me a paper turkey in the mail.
17. I am grateful for you tube. Some of those videos just make you laugh and possibly make your day.
18. I am grateful for Logan, Utah. I love where I am living. It may be cold, but it is always pretty
19. I am grateful for snow scrapers. I cleaned off Missy's car. Would not have been fun with out one.
20. I am grateful for Stretch Parties. I love my family ( feel free to ask what a stretch party is).
21. I am grateful for my Camo Hoodie. I just love it. It is so cute and warm.
22. I am grateful for cars. I don't have a car up in Logan. I am really enjoying having one for this week
23. I am grateful for blankets. They serve a great purpose in life.
24. I am grateful for food. I got to eat some delicious food today!
25. I am grateful for my Brother. He is gone but will be back in 1 1/2 years. (long time... I know).
26. I am grateful for Sara Allen. She only needs 1 word to describe her. Amazing!!!
27. I am grateful for movies. They entertain me when I have nothing to do.
28. I am grateful for pinterest. It just has a way of making me happy
29.I am grateful for the Aggie shuttle. It may take a long time sometimes to ride,but it sure keeps me warm
30. I am grateful for nap time. I would not be able to function with out naps
I am a few days late of posting this. But here it is.
and as of late...
I have learned taking naps in the library are just awesome!
Micaille has the best mom. She buys us Christmas decorations.
More detailed and finished project to be posted soon!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
My mind is going to explode!
For some reason lately I keep thinking of all these questions I want answers too.
Questions like:
Who I am going to marry?
I am really choosing the right major?
I am going on a mission?
Should I stay at Utah State?
I am going to meet my husband at school?
What classes should I take?
What should I wear tomorrow?
When am I going to get married
Will I know him before?
Where am I going to live next year?
What's for dinner?
and so many more questions.
my mind is just full of them.
I am trying to find answers to my questions
I know a lot of them are going to take time
I know I wont always find my answers.
I pray.
All my questions will be answered someday
Questions like:
Who I am going to marry?
I am really choosing the right major?
I am going on a mission?
Should I stay at Utah State?
I am going to meet my husband at school?
What classes should I take?
What should I wear tomorrow?
When am I going to get married
Will I know him before?
Where am I going to live next year?
What's for dinner?
and so many more questions.
my mind is just full of them.
I am trying to find answers to my questions
I know a lot of them are going to take time
I know I wont always find my answers.
I pray.
All my questions will be answered someday
on top of the questions.... I am a dreamer.
I think of how I want everything to go
Who should be there
I am driving myself crazy.
I mind is just so tired.
I need a break but I don't know how to slow down my mind.
It just keeps going
On that note.... My thanksgiving week was amazing!
I loved it.
I miss all of my friends.
We had so much fun.
I even went on a date.
who even know how long its been
way to long!
I loved last week
It makes me smile just thinking about it.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Christ is real! He Lives! and meet ours needs
Today was weird. I am grateful for this day. I was blessed to feel the spirit so many times today. I gained a stronger testimony of Christ. He is so much aware of us. He really does know exactly what we need. I know I have been blessed to witness this in my life but today it was second hand that my testimony has grown. I came home yesterday and got to send some wonderful time with my family. Today I went to young womens and heard the most beautiful story. To summarize it quick. Son got cancer. 25% chance to live. Mom prayed knew her son was going to live. He did.
Once home from church my cousins and sierra came over for dinner. I had a nice chat with Sierra (read it, Follow it. She'll love it!) She told me a story that touched me so much. She had a tough time a while back. When she needed something to lift her up she received a letter in the mail. That letter was exactly what she needed to hear. Cheered her up. Made her day.
I just know that heavenly father really does loves us. He knows exactly what we need. When we need it and how we need it.
On a happy note...
I love my family! Today I got to spend time with them at good ol' stretch parties. Just gotta love 'em!
Once home from church my cousins and sierra came over for dinner. I had a nice chat with Sierra (read it, Follow it. She'll love it!) She told me a story that touched me so much. She had a tough time a while back. When she needed something to lift her up she received a letter in the mail. That letter was exactly what she needed to hear. Cheered her up. Made her day.
I just know that heavenly father really does loves us. He knows exactly what we need. When we need it and how we need it.
On a happy note...
I love my family! Today I got to spend time with them at good ol' stretch parties. Just gotta love 'em!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Back to junior english
When I was a junior in high school every day when class started we would just write for 15 min, we just wrote. We never thought about what to write. sometimes it was surprising of what was written. It is every relaxing sometimes. I am going to give it a try. first time since that class ended.
never really know what to say. I never know what to write or how to write it. English is something that I have always struggled with. I took A.P. English once. It was hard, but i proved to myself that I can do hard things. I accomplish something that stressed me out. Even cause me to cry a few times. I cry a lot. well not really but sometimes everyone needs a good cry. we are all humans. Speaking of humans... where do they come from? what domain are we? what is our family? I have a biology test on this on Monday. I am nervous. I am scared for it. I have a hard time in school. School has never been easy for me. I miss my brother. I love him so much. There are certain times when I just wish he was here. He is my best friend. We were not always close. but we are now. he is one a mission. His mission has been a different one. He came home for 6 months now he is back out. He is doing good. I kind of wish for a boyfriend. have I ever mentioned how much I love weddings. I just love them. actually I am obsessed with them. I just love love love them. why? well I really don't know. I want to get married. I really do. I hope it is not to far off like 2 years but I could get married tomorrow... I really could. Kaydie Jo is coming this weekend. oh I sure hope that this weeks goes by fast so I can go home. I miss home. i wish I had a car. I would go home more often. I don't really think I am going to get one soon. I need to stop wishing about getting one. I am thinking I should stop. It is almost 4 and i got church tomorrow. I guess it is a good thing it starts at one. well good night.
favorite pinterest photo for the day!
![]() |
I love cowboys!!!!!! |
Thursday, November 3, 2011
sorry for the long post but....
I don't have a lot of time so I will make this quick. Monday night was the best! I am so lame. My only friends are my roommates( No Joke).
Monday was Halloween and we were doing nothing.
We were just taking naps.
Well we decided be a little exciting and went to a hunted house that housing government put on.
Missy had a soccer game so I escorted her so she wouldn't have to walk home alone.
When we were almost we witnessed probably the most funniest thing I have seen since I started college.
We were walking along and two girls walked out of their building. They were running and the ground was quite wet. Well one of them slipped and rolled. It was one of those " you had to be there moments" but I seriously could not stop laughing.
I am still laughing.
Later we (my roommates) decided we needed to do something. We thought treat! Sugar cookies peanut butter balls. A simple little treat turned into lets make better then sex cake and make a quick run to Walmart. At 11:37 we got in the car and drove to Walmart. We only 4 items on our list. Cake mix, heath bar, cool whip and soda. We walked in and it was getting destroyed!!! All the freezer isles were caution taped off. the egg sections was completely gone.
A simple short trip turned into a hour long super duper fun trip. One of the items from our list was down the freezer section which, was caution taped off... So guess who tried to sneak down and grab the cool whip. yup me! I would have gotten away with it if it was for the boys who decided to start yelling "Isle 2 , Isle 2!" So just as I was grabbing the cool whip and making my get away, a short , mustached mexian came around the corner and caught me, but I ran. I got away, and I got the cool whip!
The Heath bars were the last things left on the list. The candy isle was filled with the extra halloween candy. The worker told us it was half price at midnight. so we waited and each got a bag. As we were waiting for 12'o clock we walked down the isle. We found a few more things to buy....
To complete halloween night we watched Zoolander...
Monday was Halloween and we were doing nothing.
We were just taking naps.
Well we decided be a little exciting and went to a hunted house that housing government put on.
Missy had a soccer game so I escorted her so she wouldn't have to walk home alone.
When we were almost we witnessed probably the most funniest thing I have seen since I started college.
We were walking along and two girls walked out of their building. They were running and the ground was quite wet. Well one of them slipped and rolled. It was one of those " you had to be there moments" but I seriously could not stop laughing.
I am still laughing.
Later we (my roommates) decided we needed to do something. We thought treat! Sugar cookies peanut butter balls. A simple little treat turned into lets make better then sex cake and make a quick run to Walmart. At 11:37 we got in the car and drove to Walmart. We only 4 items on our list. Cake mix, heath bar, cool whip and soda. We walked in and it was getting destroyed!!! All the freezer isles were caution taped off. the egg sections was completely gone.
going to walmart at 11:37 |
See no eggs |
The Heath bars were the last things left on the list. The candy isle was filled with the extra halloween candy. The worker told us it was half price at midnight. so we waited and each got a bag. As we were waiting for 12'o clock we walked down the isle. We found a few more things to buy....
We came home with this!! |
at 12:37 |
We made it to bed around 4-4:30! such a fun night!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Staying Strong
For some reason I have not had the desire to blog. I still don't but need to for my sake. The past few weeks have been kind of lame, but a few moments that made my mood lighten up. Last week was fall break. I took a few extra days to go deer hunting. I love hunting. I love being in nature and I love spending time with my family. The day I go back my room mates got to experience a close call of me throwing up. I didn't but it was close. The next night we discovered that Micaille has a hidden talent. She can talk like Kermit the Frog.
Miss and I went to our first Aggie basketball game. They are CRAZY!! I love them! Yesterday I went to The Howl with my roommates. Nothing to exciting there just dirty dancing and a whole bunch of people mackin' out.
Today I skipped church. I over slept. Now I am just so tired I don't even know what do to with myself.
Right now I miss home. I miss my friends. I miss my family. I need to go home, but I have 3 more weeks till I get to come home next. I can make it. I know I can. I just need to be tough. I am going to live by this quote for the next 3 weeks.
Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think A.A Milne |
now I just need a hug from my sister, from my mom, from anyone.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Best moment of my life
So last Saturday I was driving home from the football game viewing and noticed a pink cowboy hat
It looked liked this

I made Jared pick it up. It was kind of wet and gross.... so I didn't really want it. I put it on some random door in my building. Today when I was walking up the stair some Guy was wearing it standing in the hall way. I wanted to start laughing but I had to hold in it. I just looked at him and said " I like your hat" Missy replied with "It so cute!"
This made my day!!
It looked liked this
I made Jared pick it up. It was kind of wet and gross.... so I didn't really want it. I put it on some random door in my building. Today when I was walking up the stair some Guy was wearing it standing in the hall way. I wanted to start laughing but I had to hold in it. I just looked at him and said " I like your hat" Missy replied with "It so cute!"
This made my day!!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
A good laugh
Missy and I came across this video a long time ago
We totally forgot about it till tonight
I cant stop watching it
I don't know if it is real or not
but it is so funny.
this is me. This is Kim. or is it?
Since I started this blog just for me I feel like I need to be more honest. Make it more me. Sure all of the post have been fun stuff that I have enjoyed while here at college,but I have failed to mentions the parts that really make me stronger.
My life have been in an extreme uphill run for me. My emotions have just been thrown at me. I don't know what wrong with me. As much as I love college. I hate it. I miss how my life use to be. I feel like my friends are gone. The one that I want to keep my friend forever is slowing falling away. I know it is not good make assumptions about situations that I fully don't know. I just feel like every time I talk to her she doesn't want to talk to me. I just feel weird.
I sometimes hate who I am. I a shy, nervous and awkward girl. I wish I could be anyone I wanted myself be with out being frightened or flat out scared. I wish I was good at making friends. I wish peopled wanted to be my friends.I wish I had that personality that when I walk in a room the mood of the room shifts. I don't though. I walk into a room and sit in silence hoping someone will come and talk to me. I hear stories of people on campus who have so much fun with so many people. I don't I sit at home feeling sorry for myself.
I am so grateful for being where I am. I need to be here. I don't want to be but I am here.
I know in life we can change they way we act and how we feel. For the most part I am good at keeping a great and happy attitude but after awhile it gets draining. I break down. I am breaking down now. I can't help it. I hate being weak. I hate feeling the way I am feeling. I hate the way I am acting. From this point on I am just going to be me.
I thought I knew who I was, but now I am starting to wonder. Who I am really? I am the person I want to be? I think I am. I have qualities that I wanted and I developed them and I was blessed with many. I just feel like I can be so much more. How do I do that? That I just don't know.
That is going to be a journey for me. Most likely a really long journey. I am lost... but somehow I will find myself again.
I don't remember what I wrote and I am not going to go back and read it. I just hope I have no regrets of what was just said. I don't think I will. I hope I will read back at a later date and see how I have grown.
Today I am missing tanner, so much. I cry for him. Today who have been his 1 yr mark, but instead it is his 4 month mark. In tanners letter this week he wrote: time goes by so fast! Can't believe Christmas is almost here, Christmas will be my 6 month mark! whats funny is tomorrow should be my year mark. Things don't always go according to plan or the way we think they should go, But i suppose it will always work out in the end.It always has so far in my past don't see how this would be any different.
I miss him. I wish he was here. There a a few thing I want to do before he gets home.
1. Fill up the change jar for him.
2. Not get married. ( I want him at my wedding)
3. Write piano music for one of his songs.
4. Don't do anything that will make him disappointed in me.
My life have been in an extreme uphill run for me. My emotions have just been thrown at me. I don't know what wrong with me. As much as I love college. I hate it. I miss how my life use to be. I feel like my friends are gone. The one that I want to keep my friend forever is slowing falling away. I know it is not good make assumptions about situations that I fully don't know. I just feel like every time I talk to her she doesn't want to talk to me. I just feel weird.
I sometimes hate who I am. I a shy, nervous and awkward girl. I wish I could be anyone I wanted myself be with out being frightened or flat out scared. I wish I was good at making friends. I wish peopled wanted to be my friends.I wish I had that personality that when I walk in a room the mood of the room shifts. I don't though. I walk into a room and sit in silence hoping someone will come and talk to me. I hear stories of people on campus who have so much fun with so many people. I don't I sit at home feeling sorry for myself.
I am so grateful for being where I am. I need to be here. I don't want to be but I am here.
I know in life we can change they way we act and how we feel. For the most part I am good at keeping a great and happy attitude but after awhile it gets draining. I break down. I am breaking down now. I can't help it. I hate being weak. I hate feeling the way I am feeling. I hate the way I am acting. From this point on I am just going to be me.
I thought I knew who I was, but now I am starting to wonder. Who I am really? I am the person I want to be? I think I am. I have qualities that I wanted and I developed them and I was blessed with many. I just feel like I can be so much more. How do I do that? That I just don't know.
That is going to be a journey for me. Most likely a really long journey. I am lost... but somehow I will find myself again.
I don't remember what I wrote and I am not going to go back and read it. I just hope I have no regrets of what was just said. I don't think I will. I hope I will read back at a later date and see how I have grown.
Today I am missing tanner, so much. I cry for him. Today who have been his 1 yr mark, but instead it is his 4 month mark. In tanners letter this week he wrote: time goes by so fast! Can't believe Christmas is almost here, Christmas will be my 6 month mark! whats funny is tomorrow should be my year mark. Things don't always go according to plan or the way we think they should go, But i suppose it will always work out in the end.It always has so far in my past don't see how this would be any different.
I miss him. I wish he was here. There a a few thing I want to do before he gets home.
1. Fill up the change jar for him.
2. Not get married. ( I want him at my wedding)
3. Write piano music for one of his songs.
4. Don't do anything that will make him disappointed in me.
Look at this! I miss this!
I wish he was here
I need one of his hugs
For right now there is nothing I can do. I know I am making this worst but dwelling on them, but sometimes I think it is perfectly fine.We all need a little sadness in our life. If we didn't we wouldn't fully love the happy times in our life.
My best friend sent me this quote " God does notice us& he watches over us, but if is usually through another person that he meets our needs." Spencer W Kimball
I really believe this. I have seen it. Right I am praying for this. I need this.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
You seriously have not lived until you have attended a Utah State Football Game!!!
They are Crazy!!!! They give you the chill the student section is the best!!!!
We won tonight!!! 63-19!!!
If you haven't seen the student section here is a little taste of it
oh and here is the scotsmen it is the best song ever!
Tonight was just supposed to be a watch a movie and eat pizza with my roommates. We did do that but it turned out to be so much more
1st we order pizza
2nd we wait for the pizza
3rd pizza arrives
4th we notice we got the wrong pizza
5th Lorelle Grabs the pizza and starts to run after the pizza lady
6th at the same time I run to the window and start yelling " you gave us the wrong pizza"
7th missy is at the other window just looking out.
8th lorelle reaches the pizza lady
9th we have to wait for the pizza again
10th we all just sit and wait
11th loud knock on the door scares me and I almost fall off the couch
12th Micaille grabs the pizza and tries to set it down but missed the table and it landed on the floor
13th we start the movie and eat the pizza anyways
14th after movie we watch all 6 kid history
15th they go to bed. I stay up and clean
p.s. funny story
Yesterday I found my cheese in the cupboard above the sink, I guess I put it there instead of the fridge when I was putting it away after I made me some lunch.
I can't forget Pinterest
best picture for the day
1st we order pizza
2nd we wait for the pizza
3rd pizza arrives
4th we notice we got the wrong pizza
5th Lorelle Grabs the pizza and starts to run after the pizza lady
6th at the same time I run to the window and start yelling " you gave us the wrong pizza"
7th missy is at the other window just looking out.
8th lorelle reaches the pizza lady
9th we have to wait for the pizza again
10th we all just sit and wait
11th loud knock on the door scares me and I almost fall off the couch
12th Micaille grabs the pizza and tries to set it down but missed the table and it landed on the floor
13th we start the movie and eat the pizza anyways
14th after movie we watch all 6 kid history
15th they go to bed. I stay up and clean
p.s. funny story
Yesterday I found my cheese in the cupboard above the sink, I guess I put it there instead of the fridge when I was putting it away after I made me some lunch.
I can't forget Pinterest
best picture for the day
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Break time!
Break Time! I need a break from homework.
I have been working on it FOREVER!!!
But I have gotten a lot done, yet
I still have a lot more to do!
I love pinterest
here are some of my favorite pictures for this week
I have been working on it FOREVER!!!
But I have gotten a lot done, yet
I still have a lot more to do!
I love pinterest
here are some of my favorite pictures for this week
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
A little stressed...
I can't find my room key...
I don't have the money to get a new one
I know it is in my room...
I had it when I came home from my class yesterday.
but I couldn't find it when I had to leave for my math class
I didn't go anywhere I stayed home all day.
I have torn my room apart and I can't find it...
I don't know what to do now....
This is stressing me out.
I don't have the money to get a new one
I know it is in my room...
I had it when I came home from my class yesterday.
but I couldn't find it when I had to leave for my math class
I didn't go anywhere I stayed home all day.
I have torn my room apart and I can't find it...
I don't know what to do now....
This is stressing me out.
Monday, October 3, 2011
a weekend
I wish I was in the mood to write a long blog post... but I am not. I had such a crazy week. here are just some highlights
~ Had a surprise party for Dani ( which is a whole post itself)
~ Went home for the weekend
~ went to a rodeo ( saw some pretty good lookin cowboy's)
~ Went to Zupa's with Alexis ( ran over a box on the way)
~ Went to conference with missy
For now thats all.
just a little something that makes me happy.
~ Had a surprise party for Dani ( which is a whole post itself)
~ Went home for the weekend
~ went to a rodeo ( saw some pretty good lookin cowboy's)
~ Went to Zupa's with Alexis ( ran over a box on the way)
~ Went to conference with missy
For now thats all.
just a little something that makes me happy.
I want to get married so bad
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Need a break.
I have done so good at doing my homework but this week I have not. I have like 4 homeworks due tomorrow and just started them today. 2 of them consist of writing. A lot of reading.... I am almost done with one but I have lot more to do. but I need a break so what do I do for I break? I eat and look at pinterst. this is what I found.
These are all so cute...
today I think....
I am a little baby hungry
Monday, September 26, 2011
Late last night
Last night I couldn't sleep. so what did I do?
watched almost or close to every Mormon message.
here are some of my favorites.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
a HUGE catch up post
I have been meaning to catch up on all the stuff that I did during the summer and the some during this school year.
Next big event I went to the Tim Mcgraw concert!!!!
1st lets start with the temple walk
That was amazing!
It was hard but
so worth it!
I learned so many lessons that can be applied in everyday life
I can do hard things and with the strength of the lord I can do hard things
Right before we left 5:00 AM |
Lunch time |
swollen hands |
biggest blister ever!! |
Next big event I went to the Tim Mcgraw concert!!!!
that concluded my catch up for now...but more to come later....
p.s. today I bore my testimony
Good choice... and a regret? maybe?
Today I made a good choice
I stayed home from the homecoming dance.
I needed to do my math homework.
I Promised myself not to do homework on Sunday.
I plan to stick with my promise.
Last night I was part of breaking a world record.
which record?
Just a record.
maybe I will say later
I might regret it
I think I am just more embarrassed.
It was bad.
It was just awkward
(well at least for me).
let hope I don't end up with mono
I stayed home from the homecoming dance.
I needed to do my math homework.
I Promised myself not to do homework on Sunday.
I plan to stick with my promise.
Last night I was part of breaking a world record.
which record?
Just a record.
maybe I will say later
I might regret it
I think I am just more embarrassed.
It was bad.
It was just awkward
(well at least for me).
let hope I don't end up with mono
now something
that makes
![]() |
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Today I am annoyed
I hate being annoyed... but sometimes things bug me.
I hate it. Certain things really bug me. When they come up it puts me in the worst mood.
So now I am in a bad mood.
I am going back to bed.
I hate it. Certain things really bug me. When they come up it puts me in the worst mood.
So now I am in a bad mood.
I am going back to bed.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Let me just complain
I am so sick of this day. This is how my day went
8:30 woke up-- hoping to work out
8:40 went back to sleep
9:40 woke back up and realized I had to leave for class in 20 min
10:00 left for bus stop
10:10 got on the bus
10:30 got off the bus
10:37 made it to class
10:37-11:40 sat in class
12:20ish got home from class
12:20-1:00 ate lunch and got on my computer
1:00-2:30 took a much needed nap
2:40 went to the bus top
3:00 got on the bus
3:15 late (again) for my class
3:15-4:15 sat in class
4:20 - now sitting in the science building trying to get some homework done
Today has just been an annoying day for me. I just want to go home and go to bed.
but when I get home I still have math homework, I need to write a paper, I need to read 50 pages in a book and study for my biology exam that I have on friday.
I just want this week to be over.
8:30 woke up-- hoping to work out
8:40 went back to sleep
9:40 woke back up and realized I had to leave for class in 20 min
10:00 left for bus stop
10:10 got on the bus
10:30 got off the bus
10:37 made it to class
10:37-11:40 sat in class
12:20ish got home from class
12:20-1:00 ate lunch and got on my computer
1:00-2:30 took a much needed nap
2:40 went to the bus top
3:00 got on the bus
3:15 late (again) for my class
3:15-4:15 sat in class
4:20 - now sitting in the science building trying to get some homework done
Today has just been an annoying day for me. I just want to go home and go to bed.
but when I get home I still have math homework, I need to write a paper, I need to read 50 pages in a book and study for my biology exam that I have on friday.
I just want this week to be over.
Monday, September 19, 2011
I love college, BUT I hate it. I miss home. I am just so full of emotions right now. I just might break down and cry. I am stressed with a few tests coming up this week. I am stressed with math. I just want to be home. I miss my family. I miss my friends(the few that I have).
Something I am beginning to really realize a lot of things about myself. Some of them good some of them frustrate me. I seriously thought college was going to be a lot different then it is. I mean a lot of it is what I expect but a lot isn't.
I am really proud of myself. I am staying strong to what I believe. I'm not gonna lie.This may sound cheesy but When I first moved out I was thinking now I can wear what I want. I can wear my second earring and no one would really care. I haven't done any of that. I really thought I would, but I put that second earring or put on my dress that is a little short, I just can't leave my house. At first I wondered why. Now I know. When I would put those things on I would think what kind of boys would I attract if I wear this? Not the ones that I want to marry. This may sound even cheesier but I feel one of the reasons I am up here is to find someone to marry.(which is not going to be till my brother gets home). I want to attract the kind of men that I know I am going to marry.
Something I was not expecting is how you can not get a long with someone. You thought they were one way but the are totally different. I love my roommates. I really do. I am so grateful for them. I am so glad we all have the same beliefs and now what and who we stand for. I know that I am diffidently going to learn patience this year.
On the happy side of things. I just returned from the funnest dance EVER!! the paint dance!! So fun. Words can't even describe. I was soaked in paint. My hair was dripping. I was in the VERY front. Such I fun night. (Pictures to come later and more details).
Something I am beginning to really realize a lot of things about myself. Some of them good some of them frustrate me. I seriously thought college was going to be a lot different then it is. I mean a lot of it is what I expect but a lot isn't.
I am really proud of myself. I am staying strong to what I believe. I'm not gonna lie.This may sound cheesy but When I first moved out I was thinking now I can wear what I want. I can wear my second earring and no one would really care. I haven't done any of that. I really thought I would, but I put that second earring or put on my dress that is a little short, I just can't leave my house. At first I wondered why. Now I know. When I would put those things on I would think what kind of boys would I attract if I wear this? Not the ones that I want to marry. This may sound even cheesier but I feel one of the reasons I am up here is to find someone to marry.(which is not going to be till my brother gets home). I want to attract the kind of men that I know I am going to marry.
Something I was not expecting is how you can not get a long with someone. You thought they were one way but the are totally different. I love my roommates. I really do. I am so grateful for them. I am so glad we all have the same beliefs and now what and who we stand for. I know that I am diffidently going to learn patience this year.
On the happy side of things. I just returned from the funnest dance EVER!! the paint dance!! So fun. Words can't even describe. I was soaked in paint. My hair was dripping. I was in the VERY front. Such I fun night. (Pictures to come later and more details).
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
people watching
I might sound like a creeper but I love to watch people. I am sitting the the Student center waiting for a meeting I have at 1. As I look around I see the boy sitting at the same table trying to do his math homework but keeps looking around instead. There is 2 boys sitting at the table next to me. One is working on homework of some sorts and the other is keeps stretching looking at the tv then at the that lies before him.
I often wonder if other people people watch just like I do. I tend to notice the smallest thing. Like the boy that keep stretching I can tell he is a little frustrated or stress or something of that sort. He keep taking deep breaths and his legs a vary bouncy.
Some people are studying hard at there laptops others and just laying on the couches just chillin'
funny story. today in biology we had a quiz. Yay quiz !!! I got 6/5. These quizzes are good reasons to talk to people that you other wise would be scared to talk too. Next week I know who I am sitting next too. He fits my type to a T. He wears button down plaid shirts. A hat. which you can tell he wear a lot. cinch jeans and boots. the only thing I forgot to look if he was tall and skinny, but don't worry I will find out on Monday.
Last night was french toast night. So fun. I am so glad Dani is boy crazy cos she knows all the boys and brings them over. Thanks to her I can now officially say I have really talked and met so pretty cute boys. onlly problem is. they are just too short.
I love watching couples. Today in my biology class I sat behind the cutest couple. They just made me want to get married.
I leave to come home today in an hour.
I can't wait.
I miss home.
so bad
I often wonder if other people people watch just like I do. I tend to notice the smallest thing. Like the boy that keep stretching I can tell he is a little frustrated or stress or something of that sort. He keep taking deep breaths and his legs a vary bouncy.
Some people are studying hard at there laptops others and just laying on the couches just chillin'
funny story. today in biology we had a quiz. Yay quiz !!! I got 6/5. These quizzes are good reasons to talk to people that you other wise would be scared to talk too. Next week I know who I am sitting next too. He fits my type to a T. He wears button down plaid shirts. A hat. which you can tell he wear a lot. cinch jeans and boots. the only thing I forgot to look if he was tall and skinny, but don't worry I will find out on Monday.
Last night was french toast night. So fun. I am so glad Dani is boy crazy cos she knows all the boys and brings them over. Thanks to her I can now officially say I have really talked and met so pretty cute boys. onlly problem is. they are just too short.
I love watching couples. Today in my biology class I sat behind the cutest couple. They just made me want to get married.
I leave to come home today in an hour.
I can't wait.
I miss home.
so bad
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Roommates.... and some other stuff...
May I say that I have been just a little bit busy lately.
College is tough work.
A lot of work.
Now I am sitting in the student center waiting for my roommate
Let me tell you about my roommates
In bed space A we have Lorelle. HOLLY CRAP she is good at art. She is so funny and talented in so many ways.
Micaille in is bed space B. She is so soft spoken and so kind. She makes me laugh! She has the cutest little voice. I love it.
I live in bed space C. What can I say? I am just the best.
Bed space F is next. Dani. I have 2 words to describe her. Boy Crazy!!
No one sleeps in bed space E. It is empty. It was full but now is not. (story for another time).
Missy has the last bed space. (which is F). She has her room all to her self.
As much as I love all my roommates I miss home. In some ways I wish I was home. but that really is not an option right now. I wish I could say that I am loving college but I am not.
I know exactly what my problem is. I am just too shy too scared.
Each of us are blessed with different talents and abilities. I was not blessed with the " I talk to everyone I see or Lets me just talk to every one I sit next too." ability
Nope never done it.
I just have problems with talking to people first.
So there is my problem.
yup I have no friends...
well I have my roommates
that is it.
College is tough work.
A lot of work.
Now I am sitting in the student center waiting for my roommate
Let me tell you about my roommates
In bed space A we have Lorelle. HOLLY CRAP she is good at art. She is so funny and talented in so many ways.
Micaille in is bed space B. She is so soft spoken and so kind. She makes me laugh! She has the cutest little voice. I love it.
I live in bed space C. What can I say? I am just the best.
Bed space F is next. Dani. I have 2 words to describe her. Boy Crazy!!
No one sleeps in bed space E. It is empty. It was full but now is not. (story for another time).
Missy has the last bed space. (which is F). She has her room all to her self.
As much as I love all my roommates I miss home. In some ways I wish I was home. but that really is not an option right now. I wish I could say that I am loving college but I am not.
I know exactly what my problem is. I am just too shy too scared.
Each of us are blessed with different talents and abilities. I was not blessed with the " I talk to everyone I see or Lets me just talk to every one I sit next too." ability
Nope never done it.
I just have problems with talking to people first.
So there is my problem.
yup I have no friends...
well I have my roommates
that is it.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Starting to see...
I am really starting see how hard college really can be.
yesterday I was at the library for 5 hours doing homework...
Did I finish? nope. not even close.
I still have 30 pages to read for US institutions
I did finish my math.
I still have biology to catch up on.
I love having breaks between classes.
its a good time to study.
did i mention I am hungry
My Class starts in 18 mins
no time to eat.
lets hope I can make it.
yesterday I was at the library for 5 hours doing homework...
Did I finish? nope. not even close.
I still have 30 pages to read for US institutions
I did finish my math.
I still have biology to catch up on.
I love having breaks between classes.
its a good time to study.
did i mention I am hungry
My Class starts in 18 mins
no time to eat.
lets hope I can make it.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Not much to say
I don't have much to say....
but this week was great!
I saw Alexis
I went to an eighty's dance
and got squished in my mass of people.
Missy got lost
I had a real meal.
I had meat!
and corn
and potatoes
Seeing Alexis was great!
We had a sleepover
We talked all night
*pictures to come later
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
only in college
When your in college your on a very tight money budget. You get the cheapest food and well find the cheapest of everything, since you don't the money to buy many foods you start to crave foods you have never liked. Like Hot dogs. I HATE hot dogs. I haven't had a hot dog in many many many many years, but lately they have sounded so good. So funny story... Today I was on campus and they were giving out hot dogs. so I grabbed one. I ate and enjoyed it. My craving for a hot dog was fulfilled but I sure hope I don't have a craving for a while. My stomach is feeling a little sick now. I am not sure if it is just from the hot dog or the ice cream I ate 5 minutes later. or a combination of both
College is really only good for 1 thing. Free food. you get it all the time. People just like to hand out food. Today I had lunch for free. I even got a lunch for tomorrow.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Just an update
I am surprised at how much I have learned just from a week of being at college.
I love it.
I hate it.
I hate not having the food I want
(I am really wanting brownies right now)
I hate the long walk in the heat to and from class
( but no freshmen 15 for me)
I hate the 80 stairs I need to climb to my apartment
I love Logan
I love meeting new people
(even tho I haven't met that many)
I love just doing what ever I want
I love my roommates
I love when random people come over
and play the name game
I love it.
I hate it.
I hate not having the food I want
(I am really wanting brownies right now)
I hate the long walk in the heat to and from class
( but no freshmen 15 for me)
I hate the 80 stairs I need to climb to my apartment
I love Logan
I love meeting new people
(even tho I haven't met that many)
I love just doing what ever I want
I love my roommates
I love when random people come over
and play the name game
Name Game |
When Missy and I are bored we Rearrange our living room and write blossoming romances on the white board |
Thursday, August 25, 2011
I finally figured out how to change my blog. It is somewhat cute. I am still looking for that perfect back ground
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
college life is CRAZY!!!!
I love College. I love meeting new people ( even tho I am too shy too but i still try). I love hanging out with random people. Last night. So fun. met tons of new people. played glow in the dark soccer and then just talked. but tonight is a different story. I went with my room mate to a dance/game thingy. we left early tho. this is why I am sitting at my computer. I am tired. I seriously walk over 5 miles a day and I live on the top floor and I have class tomorrow so I need some sleep. I haven't slept very much since I got here.
Even tho I am having so much fun I still miss my family and especially my bestest friend. I love her! I miss her!
Even tho I am having so much fun I still miss my family and especially my bestest friend. I love her! I miss her!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
So much better
Well today has been just grand! Huge step up from yesterday. I am feelin' good and lovin' the college life.
Even though it has been fun it has been painful. My feet are so sore right now and with my hurt feet I had to walk to church ( which ended up being the wrong church) and then walk back. I walked a girl back to Bullen. Then walked and ran back from Jones hall. The adventures today just kept getting better. This morning I woke up with my personal alarm clock Dani and made it to church on time! Thank goodness for her!
After church I got all my stuff cleaned and organized. well.... almost! And then the big grand adventure happened. The fire alarm went off.... oh yes. Dani finally figured out where our back door leads too. Good news we have a laundry place down those stairs.
I have met a lot of people today.5. all consisting of nice gentle men. I have learned a good lesson today. Make a Apps that people like and get paid!!! BIG Money!!! I am talking like 5-6 zeros on the end. Oh and the creator of angry birds so rich right now. He makes 1 millions just with ads a month!! That doesn't even include the cost of the app.
Even though it has been fun it has been painful. My feet are so sore right now and with my hurt feet I had to walk to church ( which ended up being the wrong church) and then walk back. I walked a girl back to Bullen. Then walked and ran back from Jones hall. The adventures today just kept getting better. This morning I woke up with my personal alarm clock Dani and made it to church on time! Thank goodness for her!
After church I got all my stuff cleaned and organized. well.... almost! And then the big grand adventure happened. The fire alarm went off.... oh yes. Dani finally figured out where our back door leads too. Good news we have a laundry place down those stairs.
I have met a lot of people today.5. all consisting of nice gentle men. I have learned a good lesson today. Make a Apps that people like and get paid!!! BIG Money!!! I am talking like 5-6 zeros on the end. Oh and the creator of angry birds so rich right now. He makes 1 millions just with ads a month!! That doesn't even include the cost of the app.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Not everything I hoped
Today has been a long day. I seriously just feel like crying right now. I am kind of mad at myself. I had all these ideas and dreams that my first night of college would be full of fun and games. Ya no! Not even close. I feel sick, sore and tired. I just want to got to bed. I am as soon as I am done writing this. I am so stressed. Here I am at college and so far I just want to go home. I never thought I would want to sleep in my home so bad. But this is my home now. Today started out really nice. I woke up at 3:30 this morning and walked 23.2 miles in 9 Hours. This is why I am hating my college experience so far. I am so tore. Today Alexis and Jared came up and moved me in to, but I don't know but I think this is going to be a lot harder then I thought.
Friday, August 19, 2011
This post is coming from my brand new laptop!
Be jealous
I have my very own computer!
I love it!
p.s. I leave tomorrow
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Day Dreaming
I have come to the realization that I day dream way to much. I am constantly thinking about my future. Its sad but my whole wedding is planned. My ring is pick out, my dress is picked out, my colors are picked (different ones for every season). Really the only thing missing is the Mr.. Even though I have plans not to get married for 2 years it better not be any longer or my mind just might go crazy.
My mind is continually going. I am always thinking of something, hoping that things will happen, picturing center events in my life. Sometimes this is good but it can be very exhausting sometimes. It makes my brain hurt.
My day dreaming has become even more worst as I am starting college.Hopefully when I actually start my brain will slow down and it will not hurt so much. By the way I leave in 3 days. weird.
My mind is continually going. I am always thinking of something, hoping that things will happen, picturing center events in my life. Sometimes this is good but it can be very exhausting sometimes. It makes my brain hurt.
My day dreaming has become even more worst as I am starting college.Hopefully when I actually start my brain will slow down and it will not hurt so much. By the way I leave in 3 days. weird.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
It was about time
Everyone tells me that I think to much about everything. Picking out my bed comforter was a lot more difficult then it needed to be. I just needed to make sure it was perfect. I went to every store you can think of to find one. I even went to some stores at different location and the same location multiple times. After a few hours of searching (sad to say but that is an understatement). I finally found one!

Found it!
had it!
Love it!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
So many things, so little time
I am sitting in the middle of my room holding back tears.... I have only 8 days till I move. Crazy. My room is close to empty. My bed, a mirror and a box are the only things remaining,but those will be gone shortly. I still have so much stuff to do. I have many things to take with me but I am still missing a lot of things. Like a bed comforter. Who knew it could be so hard to find one. I am told that I am being to to picking. Well actually..... Those ones I like are just way to expensive. I just have expensive taste. If I was willing to spend $100-300 on one I would have 15 by now. I still need some kitchen stuff and a laptop but other then that I am good to leave. I feel like I still have a ton of things I need to do before I leave though. I need to get my room cleaned out so my mom can paint it for my sister to move in to it.
I am sad to leave my room. I have so many memories in here.
I remember seeing my room for the 1st time. I remember painting it purple... then a few years later painting again they way it is now.... I remember Missy and I building a fort in my room and then sleeping in it... I could go on and on about all the memories in my room, but its getting late and I got big plans tomorrow.
I am sad to leave my room. I have so many memories in here.
I remember seeing my room for the 1st time. I remember painting it purple... then a few years later painting again they way it is now.... I remember Missy and I building a fort in my room and then sleeping in it... I could go on and on about all the memories in my room, but its getting late and I got big plans tomorrow.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Taking steps
Today I began packing... It feels kind of weird. I need to get my room cleaned out this week. My little sister is going to be moving into my room when I leave, but my mom wants to painted before I leave and her school starts.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Old Friends
Remember when you were in Jr. High and you and your best friend would always talk about going to college together? How people really stay friends all they way through high school? How many people still have a friend that they met in the fourth grade and now are going to college together? Right now I know of one. Me! Through Jr. High I had a pretty good solid group of friends. We would always talk about going to college together. Growing up and being moms. As we got older we grew apart. We were finding out who we really were, but Missy and I have stayed close friends.We are about to make our Jr. Dream become reality! We are Utah State and Rooming together... well really apartmenting together. Even though through high school we didn't hang out as much we can sit in a car and talk for hours like we haven't missed a day in each other lives. I love it. I love her!
oh ya tonight I met one more of my roommates. I am getting really excited!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Hard Workin'
I just spent 3 hours loading hay.
My hands are sore and blistered.
I got a big goose egg on my shin.
I am still blowing hay out of my nose.
I got so much dust in my lungs I can't breathe.
The good news is I got paid $8.00 and hour.
I just spent 3 hours loading hay.
My hands are sore and blistered.
I got a big goose egg on my shin.
I am still blowing hay out of my nose.
I got so much dust in my lungs I can't breathe.
The good news is I got paid $8.00 and hour.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
oh she is just too cute!
Tuesday night dishes
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
As of late
The past few weeks have been pretty busy for me. Most of it was not planned busy but random and fun adventures. Last Wednesday I went with my dad and my sister to Kanab to buy a truck. Well I got to drive my dad old truck home. On the way home we decided to stop at Bryce Canyon.
Since my dad is obsessed with elk we also had to stop and take picture of an elk breeding farm
After I got home from a 1 day road trip. I went right to bed because thursday I was heading up to my grandmas for a funeral and just to spend a few days with my grandma and my aunts.
Who knew that my grandma would be trying to set me up with so many boys. I am pretty sure my grandma is ready to have me get married....
At the viewing Thursday night I was sitting next to my grandma. out of no where she just started talking to me about all the good boys up in good ol' Oakley.
As I sat with her in sacrament she kept turning to me and saying.... "Oh kimmy! that Jones* boy is sharp. oh he is a sharp kid." I would just smile at her.... (That Jones boy wasnt very cute.... but he did play the piano very well).
After church we ate Lunch. During most of the meal and a little after my family discussed the boys I should date.
The conversation went a little like this....
Annie(my aunt): "Kimmy you should go out with Steve*
Grandma: " yes Kimmy he is a good kid."
Annie: "or there's mike*
Grandma( mouth drops open) Oh! no! he is not a good kid"
Grandpa: " You dont want to get stuck with that kid he is to touchy with the girls."
* Names have been changed
Pretty much that is how the whole conversation went... just different names were brought up.It was quiet grand. Now I have a clear understanding of who and who not to date in Oakley.
The funniest part was my grandmas kept bringing up the Jones kid... She says she is going to talk to him next week and tell him that I thought he is a sharp kid (but really that is all her thinking)... so I will have to see if she really does say anything to him.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Wedding dreams update
After countless times of looking at both the wedding rings that I liked I finally choose one
This is the winner!
you are lookin' at a 1 ct.
princess cut vintage ring
Actually I like this one a lot more then the other choice. I am kind of ridiculous looking at wedding rings. But I really like looking at things related to weddings... I really don't want to get married for at least 2 years but it is just fun to me.
Importance of being thankful
This week I was staying at my aunts for a few days, My aunt lives next to my grandma so I spent a lot of time up there. My Grandma has been taking taking care of my Grandpa parents for 2 years. There was a time where my grandma had both her hips replaced and needed all of my siblings help take care of my great grandparents and on top of that my aunt who is complete dependable on others. My mom would go up on the weekends to help. While I was up at my grandmas house there were a lot of visitors because my great grandma was dying. She just passed away tonight. I heard my grandma express to this visitor how grateful she was for her daughters to come and help her out and she wouldn't have been able to make it with out their help I don't think my grandma said anything like that to my mom ever. I know my mom would come home from my grandmas feeling like my grandma didn't care. This taught me a little lesson. It is important to tell people how grateful you are for them. Even if it is a small matter they still should know that you are thankful for them. For now on I am making sure that I tell people thank you a lot more often.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Summer adventure thus far
My summer so far has been kind of crazy! I figure that I was only at my house 14 out of the 30 days of June. A few hours after I graduated Alexis and I loaded up my car and drove to St. George. I really enjoyed driving down with Alexis. I really love her. I enjoyed her company. We arrived the St. George about 10:30ish.... but with the help of Alexis Mom and Sara Allen we didn't make it to condo till almost mid-night. We learned how to use our common sense though haha. We spent most of the time by or in the pool. Make sure sunscreen is applied regularly. You just might end up a little red.
When our St. George adventure was over a another started shortly with youth conference the following Thurday.
Strawberry days is one of my favorite weeks during the summer. I went all four nights to the rodeo. The parade was so hot.
When strawberry days ended I had Saturday, Sunday and Monday to get ready for camp.
Camp this year was great! I got to be a Junior leader. Pretty much I did the behind the scene work. It is so rewarding to see all my hard work pay off.
Girls camp wrapped up the next Monday I was off to St. George with Alexis and her family and the lovely Allen family. It got up to 112 one day. I spent most of the day lying out on a floaty in the pool.
Sara, Jen, Alexis and I went to the St. George temple. It is always fun and exciting to see how each temple is ran just a little bit differently.
I came home from St. George friday was a day for me to relax then satuday off my grandparents house for the Fourth of July weekend.
and we are off....
Chocolate milk A.K.A Dr. Pepper with creamer |
Bangin' Bathroom |
Midnight treat |
We Stalk this car.... |
The fat man |
we're pro |
best store ever! |
this is what happens to the lid when jen tries to throw the water from her car to mine |
Strawberry days is one of my favorite weeks during the summer. I went all four nights to the rodeo. The parade was so hot.
When strawberry days ended I had Saturday, Sunday and Monday to get ready for camp.
Camp this year was great! I got to be a Junior leader. Pretty much I did the behind the scene work. It is so rewarding to see all my hard work pay off.
Alpine slide |
This is how we shop at girls camp |
ensign peak |
Meet Annie |
Girls camp wrapped up the next Monday I was off to St. George with Alexis and her family and the lovely Allen family. It got up to 112 one day. I spent most of the day lying out on a floaty in the pool.
Sara, Jen, Alexis and I went to the St. George temple. It is always fun and exciting to see how each temple is ran just a little bit differently.
I came home from St. George friday was a day for me to relax then satuday off my grandparents house for the Fourth of July weekend.
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