Monday, December 12, 2011

My weekend was going to be productive.
I was going to study.
I was going to finish my math test
I was going to finish my biology homework
I did have some plans to have some fun. 
but that was only going to take up just Friday night
and Saturday morning to have a nice roommate Christmas.

My roommates and I decided we would have some fun Friday night 
and Saturday morning open presents and have a nice yummy breakfast. 
This way we would have time to study Saturday afternoon. 
we stayed up till wee hours in the morning watching movies 
and doing various things.
We woke up at noon.
By the time breakfast was in the oven
and the presents were open it was 2:00.

One would think 2:00 is still a descent time to start studying
and get in a few hours.
I started one my biology homework.
Finished one or two sections
but after I needed a break
I am not sure how and why
but I ended up watching 4 episodes of Boy Meets World.
That took up the rest of the afternoon.

I hopped in the shower
hoping that it will make me more motivated to study.
It just made it worst. I laid down and took a nap.
By the time I woke up it was late.
Late enough to order pizza
I had pizza last night at midnight
so yum.

I forgot to mention.
My roommates and I had a sleepover in the living room.
We moved all of our mattresses in there and slept.
way to much.

My day yesterday was no productive.
When I was ready for bed I felt gross
I was mad that I wasted a whole day.

Today was a little better
but not much.
Tomorrow I will study
and finish all my homework.
If not I am deader then a possum.

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