Monday, January 28, 2013

My weekend consist of a band, with a very attractive drummer

This weekend my roommates and I went to Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband, because well, we didn't have any other plans and it was free (thank you Logan institute).I had a lot of fun. The best part, the Drummer! 

Seriously, take a good look.I shook his hand, that's as far as our relationship, but I am okay with that. Mainly because he is short.

After, I was not in the mood to sit in my apartment so I piled Micaille and Lorelle in my car and we drove to a random parking lot and took these lovely gems!!!!!

Then, there is Saturday. 
Saturday morning, I did absolutely nothing and it felt great! 
Micialle and I went to the basketball game that night.
it was crazy!!! My throat hurt so bad after!!!!
Then we then went to a scone party. 
We ended up singing songs along with some kid who was really good at the guitar. 
It was great fun!!
Yelp!!! that pretty much sums up my weekend!

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