This week has been a tough one for me.
It is kind of frustrating.
I am kind of confused why my feelings are such in whack right now.
Well I actually kind of know why but I don't know if I really want to be honest about it.
I have had a some fun days this break but there has been days where I just feel annoyed.
I wished I had more friends.
I really don't know what else to do.
I am just good at feeling sorry for myself.
I do it often enough.
It is sad and pathetic( I know it really is).
This is something I am trying to work on.
I need to make the best out of every situation
Now I could be cleaning my sisters room.
It is full my clothes very where.
I want to stay in my room though.
I don't to see my mom at this moment
We had a little agument this morning.
I haven't talk to her since(my family is a little dysfunctional sometimes well mainly me and my mom).
I still have a lot to learn.
I need to be more grateful for what I have
I really am grateful for my mom she really is amazing.
Life is about learning
I am definitely learning a lot
A lot more then I ever wanted to learn
Friday, December 30, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Pity Party
Sometimes I get in these weird moods where everybody just bugs me. Right now I am in that mood. Certain people just set it off. One little thing they do that I don't like it makes me so annoyed. Sometimes I wish I could just slap in the face and tell them whats up, but sadly I am way to nice to do that. Sometimes I hate myself. I wish I was outgoing and fun,but I am just lame and boring.
Your not a normal human being if you don't ever have negatives about yourself
It only comes unhealthy when your negatives thoughts turn into negative actions.
Right now I am just more annoyed at myself for letting myself be annoyed at people.
But the truth is that people bug.
There is always going to be people who bug.
The only thing can be done about it is they way you react
I am usually pretty good at not letting people bug me.
Today is different.
Today I am at my end.
I want to scream
maybe I will, but later.
I know a lot of my feeling right now are cos I am tired
and desperate for sleep.
Ugh I am so irritated
people sometimes are just dumb.
End of story.
On a good note
I got to talk to my brother on Christmas
I was glad to talk to him
He sounds happy, which makes me very happy.
I was worried he would be sad,his last letter before he called was kind of a downer.
Pinterest moment
haha... Makes me laugh so hard!
On a good note
I got to talk to my brother on Christmas
I was glad to talk to him
He sounds happy, which makes me very happy.
I was worried he would be sad,his last letter before he called was kind of a downer.
Pinterest moment
haha... Makes me laugh so hard!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Finished a post
My unfinished post are piling up. Lately I am having a hard time finishing my post.
Like this unfinished post
Like this unfinished post
I made it!
I am home
I survived my first semester of college
I never thought I would make it
The last few days were hard.
especially this past week.
I missed my friends and family a lot more.
I don't know what is was.
it cos it is Christmas time.
maybe because I was so done with school.
I have defiantly learned some lessons at my first semester of college
1. College is not like high school
2. If you think you have studied enough... Think again.
I know I have learned more but I will save those for later.
This week has been so slow.
I have wanted to be home for so long
now I am.
I love my home.
I love my family
I missed my family
even my brothers (who knew).
specially my sister.
Every time I see her she gets bigger.
I wish I was at home all the time.
I hate not knowing everything that is happening.
I am really going to enjoy being home for 3 1/2 weeks.
I am really going to enjoy being home for 3 1/2 weeks.
oh and like this one
My weekend was going to be productive.
I was going to study.
I was going to finish my math test
I was going to finish my biology homework
I did have some plans to have some fun.
but that was only going to take up just Friday night
and Saturday morning to have a nice roommate Christmas.
My roommates and I decided we would have some fun Friday night
and Saturday morning open presents and have a nice yummy breakfast.
This way we would have time to study Saturday afternoon.
we stayed up till wee hours in the morning watching movies
and doing various things.
We woke up at noon.
By the time breakfast was in the oven
and the presents were open it was 2:00.
One would think 2:00 is still a descent time to start studying
and get in a few hours.
I started one my biology homework.
Finished one or two sections
but after I needed a break
I am not sure how and why
but I ended up watching 4 episodes of Boy Meets World.
That took up the rest of the afternoon.
We woke up at noon.
By the time breakfast was in the oven
and the presents were open it was 2:00.
One would think 2:00 is still a descent time to start studying
and get in a few hours.
I started one my biology homework.
Finished one or two sections
but after I needed a break
I am not sure how and why
but I ended up watching 4 episodes of Boy Meets World.
That took up the rest of the afternoon.
Also can't for get this one
My family is the best. I just love them. Today I surprised them and came home today instead of Monday. I receive a wonderful welcome. I got to wrap a ton of Elk meat. why did I have to wrap of ton of Elk meat? Well my dad just returned from a 15 year long waited Elk hunt. This hunt is all he has been talking about since he found out he drew the tag(and he is still talking about it). Since I haven't been home he needed to tell me the whole story. He is just so cute the way he tell every detail.
and finally this one
I have so much funny things to blog about but since I am lacking so time I am just going to make a list of things I need to blog about and do it in greater detail later...
1. Deer hunting
2. dancing with missy
3. I almost threw up
4. micaille is kermit the frog
5. Oh crap... did I just ask him
6. micaille is sad.. lets sing her songs
7. oh I embarrassed myself why to much
I know these post most likely don't make sense because well they are not finished.
Hopefully this one will get finished.
While I am here I think I will write a little about my few days being back in good old PG.
It is weird how when I am way I so badly want to come back but when I am here I kind of miss my house in Logan.
It is kind of strange how a place in your heart grows for every where you live.
I really love Logan. I love my roommates. Some of them may be hard to live with at times but I still have a place for them in my heart. I always will. We made it through our first semester of college together and we still have one more.
This past week has been good.
I had a nice talk with this wonderful women doing her hair for the choir show (which was amazing)!
She really gets life.
Tonight my family went to the Sing-a-long at Energy solution area. It was actually fun! My family went last year. We had so much fun. We went again this year. It sound stupid but something about a whole bunch of people singing Christmas songs that makes it so fun.
well that is all for now. I am going to be better at finishing my posts.
Monday, December 12, 2011
My weekend was going to be productive.
I was going to study.
I was going to finish my math test
I was going to finish my biology homework
I did have some plans to have some fun.
but that was only going to take up just Friday night
and Saturday morning to have a nice roommate Christmas.
My roommates and I decided we would have some fun Friday night
and Saturday morning open presents and have a nice yummy breakfast.
This way we would have time to study Saturday afternoon.
we stayed up till wee hours in the morning watching movies
and doing various things.
We woke up at noon.
By the time breakfast was in the oven
and the presents were open it was 2:00.
One would think 2:00 is still a descent time to start studying
and get in a few hours.
I started one my biology homework.
Finished one or two sections
but after I needed a break
I am not sure how and why
but I ended up watching 4 episodes of Boy Meets World.
That took up the rest of the afternoon.
I hopped in the shower
hoping that it will make me more motivated to study.
It just made it worst. I laid down and took a nap.
By the time I woke up it was late.
Late enough to order pizza
I had pizza last night at midnight
so yum.
I forgot to mention.
My roommates and I had a sleepover in the living room.
We moved all of our mattresses in there and slept.
way to much.
My day yesterday was no productive.
When I was ready for bed I felt gross
I was mad that I wasted a whole day.
Today was a little better
but not much.
Tomorrow I will study
and finish all my homework.
If not I am deader then a possum.
We woke up at noon.
By the time breakfast was in the oven
and the presents were open it was 2:00.
One would think 2:00 is still a descent time to start studying
and get in a few hours.
I started one my biology homework.
Finished one or two sections
but after I needed a break
I am not sure how and why
but I ended up watching 4 episodes of Boy Meets World.
That took up the rest of the afternoon.
I hopped in the shower
hoping that it will make me more motivated to study.
It just made it worst. I laid down and took a nap.
By the time I woke up it was late.
Late enough to order pizza
I had pizza last night at midnight
so yum.
I forgot to mention.
My roommates and I had a sleepover in the living room.
We moved all of our mattresses in there and slept.
way to much.
My day yesterday was no productive.
When I was ready for bed I felt gross
I was mad that I wasted a whole day.
Today was a little better
but not much.
Tomorrow I will study
and finish all my homework.
If not I am deader then a possum.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
I am grateful for... and super long post
I know everyone and their dog does this but I want to give it a try....
1. I am grateful my bed. I am so glad that I have a nice comfy bed that I love going to sleep in every night.
2. I am grateful for my scholarship. It made it possible for me to be here in Logan
3. I am grateful for Utah State University. I love it. I am looking forward for being here for 4 more years
4. I am grateful for new friends that I have made. It not many but I love meeting new people
5. I am grateful for my roommates.I was truly blessed with the roommates I have
6. I am grateful for my mom. I love she is amazing. she makes me food that I microwave and it is ready to eat
7. I am grateful for my lap top. It makes it possible for me to do homework and waste my time.
8. I am grateful for cowboys. I will marry one someday
9 I am grateful for coats. It is freezing and they keep me warm.
10. I am grateful for fun professors. they make it easier to go to class
11. I am grateful for alarm clocks. even though most the time I sleep through them.
12. I am grateful for the sun. I don't think I will be seeing much of it any more. since it is snowing now.
13. I am grateful for the gospel. I love it. I am glad it has has a big part of who I am today.
14. I am grateful for service. I love to serve. It can be so rewarding. Being served is also eye opening
15. I am grateful for brownies. They just make your when you need a good treat.
16. I am grateful for my little sister. She made my day today by sending me a paper turkey in the mail.
17. I am grateful for you tube. Some of those videos just make you laugh and possibly make your day.
18. I am grateful for Logan, Utah. I love where I am living. It may be cold, but it is always pretty
19. I am grateful for snow scrapers. I cleaned off Missy's car. Would not have been fun with out one.
20. I am grateful for Stretch Parties. I love my family ( feel free to ask what a stretch party is).
21. I am grateful for my Camo Hoodie. I just love it. It is so cute and warm.
22. I am grateful for cars. I don't have a car up in Logan. I am really enjoying having one for this week
23. I am grateful for blankets. They serve a great purpose in life.
24. I am grateful for food. I got to eat some delicious food today!
25. I am grateful for my Brother. He is gone but will be back in 1 1/2 years. (long time... I know).
26. I am grateful for Sara Allen. She only needs 1 word to describe her. Amazing!!!
27. I am grateful for movies. They entertain me when I have nothing to do.
28. I am grateful for pinterest. It just has a way of making me happy
29.I am grateful for the Aggie shuttle. It may take a long time sometimes to ride,but it sure keeps me warm
30. I am grateful for nap time. I would not be able to function with out naps
I am a few days late of posting this. But here it is.
and as of late...
I have learned taking naps in the library are just awesome!
Micaille has the best mom. She buys us Christmas decorations.

More detailed and finished project to be posted soon!
13. I am grateful for the gospel. I love it. I am glad it has has a big part of who I am today.
14. I am grateful for service. I love to serve. It can be so rewarding. Being served is also eye opening
15. I am grateful for brownies. They just make your when you need a good treat.
16. I am grateful for my little sister. She made my day today by sending me a paper turkey in the mail.
17. I am grateful for you tube. Some of those videos just make you laugh and possibly make your day.
18. I am grateful for Logan, Utah. I love where I am living. It may be cold, but it is always pretty
19. I am grateful for snow scrapers. I cleaned off Missy's car. Would not have been fun with out one.
20. I am grateful for Stretch Parties. I love my family ( feel free to ask what a stretch party is).
21. I am grateful for my Camo Hoodie. I just love it. It is so cute and warm.
22. I am grateful for cars. I don't have a car up in Logan. I am really enjoying having one for this week
23. I am grateful for blankets. They serve a great purpose in life.
24. I am grateful for food. I got to eat some delicious food today!
25. I am grateful for my Brother. He is gone but will be back in 1 1/2 years. (long time... I know).
26. I am grateful for Sara Allen. She only needs 1 word to describe her. Amazing!!!
27. I am grateful for movies. They entertain me when I have nothing to do.
28. I am grateful for pinterest. It just has a way of making me happy
29.I am grateful for the Aggie shuttle. It may take a long time sometimes to ride,but it sure keeps me warm
30. I am grateful for nap time. I would not be able to function with out naps
I am a few days late of posting this. But here it is.
and as of late...
I have learned taking naps in the library are just awesome!
Micaille has the best mom. She buys us Christmas decorations.
More detailed and finished project to be posted soon!
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