College is really only good for 1 thing. Free food. you get it all the time. People just like to hand out food. Today I had lunch for free. I even got a lunch for tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
only in college
When your in college your on a very tight money budget. You get the cheapest food and well find the cheapest of everything, since you don't the money to buy many foods you start to crave foods you have never liked. Like Hot dogs. I HATE hot dogs. I haven't had a hot dog in many many many many years, but lately they have sounded so good. So funny story... Today I was on campus and they were giving out hot dogs. so I grabbed one. I ate and enjoyed it. My craving for a hot dog was fulfilled but I sure hope I don't have a craving for a while. My stomach is feeling a little sick now. I am not sure if it is just from the hot dog or the ice cream I ate 5 minutes later. or a combination of both
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Just an update
I am surprised at how much I have learned just from a week of being at college.
I love it.
I hate it.
I hate not having the food I want
(I am really wanting brownies right now)
I hate the long walk in the heat to and from class
( but no freshmen 15 for me)
I hate the 80 stairs I need to climb to my apartment
I love Logan
I love meeting new people
(even tho I haven't met that many)
I love just doing what ever I want
I love my roommates
I love when random people come over
and play the name game
I love it.
I hate it.
I hate not having the food I want
(I am really wanting brownies right now)
I hate the long walk in the heat to and from class
( but no freshmen 15 for me)
I hate the 80 stairs I need to climb to my apartment
I love Logan
I love meeting new people
(even tho I haven't met that many)
I love just doing what ever I want
I love my roommates
I love when random people come over
and play the name game
Name Game |
When Missy and I are bored we Rearrange our living room and write blossoming romances on the white board |
Thursday, August 25, 2011
I finally figured out how to change my blog. It is somewhat cute. I am still looking for that perfect back ground
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
college life is CRAZY!!!!
I love College. I love meeting new people ( even tho I am too shy too but i still try). I love hanging out with random people. Last night. So fun. met tons of new people. played glow in the dark soccer and then just talked. but tonight is a different story. I went with my room mate to a dance/game thingy. we left early tho. this is why I am sitting at my computer. I am tired. I seriously walk over 5 miles a day and I live on the top floor and I have class tomorrow so I need some sleep. I haven't slept very much since I got here.
Even tho I am having so much fun I still miss my family and especially my bestest friend. I love her! I miss her!
Even tho I am having so much fun I still miss my family and especially my bestest friend. I love her! I miss her!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
So much better
Well today has been just grand! Huge step up from yesterday. I am feelin' good and lovin' the college life.
Even though it has been fun it has been painful. My feet are so sore right now and with my hurt feet I had to walk to church ( which ended up being the wrong church) and then walk back. I walked a girl back to Bullen. Then walked and ran back from Jones hall. The adventures today just kept getting better. This morning I woke up with my personal alarm clock Dani and made it to church on time! Thank goodness for her!
After church I got all my stuff cleaned and organized. well.... almost! And then the big grand adventure happened. The fire alarm went off.... oh yes. Dani finally figured out where our back door leads too. Good news we have a laundry place down those stairs.
I have met a lot of people today.5. all consisting of nice gentle men. I have learned a good lesson today. Make a Apps that people like and get paid!!! BIG Money!!! I am talking like 5-6 zeros on the end. Oh and the creator of angry birds so rich right now. He makes 1 millions just with ads a month!! That doesn't even include the cost of the app.
Even though it has been fun it has been painful. My feet are so sore right now and with my hurt feet I had to walk to church ( which ended up being the wrong church) and then walk back. I walked a girl back to Bullen. Then walked and ran back from Jones hall. The adventures today just kept getting better. This morning I woke up with my personal alarm clock Dani and made it to church on time! Thank goodness for her!
After church I got all my stuff cleaned and organized. well.... almost! And then the big grand adventure happened. The fire alarm went off.... oh yes. Dani finally figured out where our back door leads too. Good news we have a laundry place down those stairs.
I have met a lot of people today.5. all consisting of nice gentle men. I have learned a good lesson today. Make a Apps that people like and get paid!!! BIG Money!!! I am talking like 5-6 zeros on the end. Oh and the creator of angry birds so rich right now. He makes 1 millions just with ads a month!! That doesn't even include the cost of the app.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Not everything I hoped
Today has been a long day. I seriously just feel like crying right now. I am kind of mad at myself. I had all these ideas and dreams that my first night of college would be full of fun and games. Ya no! Not even close. I feel sick, sore and tired. I just want to got to bed. I am as soon as I am done writing this. I am so stressed. Here I am at college and so far I just want to go home. I never thought I would want to sleep in my home so bad. But this is my home now. Today started out really nice. I woke up at 3:30 this morning and walked 23.2 miles in 9 Hours. This is why I am hating my college experience so far. I am so tore. Today Alexis and Jared came up and moved me in to, but I don't know but I think this is going to be a lot harder then I thought.
Friday, August 19, 2011
This post is coming from my brand new laptop!
Be jealous
I have my very own computer!
I love it!
p.s. I leave tomorrow
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Day Dreaming
I have come to the realization that I day dream way to much. I am constantly thinking about my future. Its sad but my whole wedding is planned. My ring is pick out, my dress is picked out, my colors are picked (different ones for every season). Really the only thing missing is the Mr.. Even though I have plans not to get married for 2 years it better not be any longer or my mind just might go crazy.
My mind is continually going. I am always thinking of something, hoping that things will happen, picturing center events in my life. Sometimes this is good but it can be very exhausting sometimes. It makes my brain hurt.
My day dreaming has become even more worst as I am starting college.Hopefully when I actually start my brain will slow down and it will not hurt so much. By the way I leave in 3 days. weird.
My mind is continually going. I am always thinking of something, hoping that things will happen, picturing center events in my life. Sometimes this is good but it can be very exhausting sometimes. It makes my brain hurt.
My day dreaming has become even more worst as I am starting college.Hopefully when I actually start my brain will slow down and it will not hurt so much. By the way I leave in 3 days. weird.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
It was about time
Everyone tells me that I think to much about everything. Picking out my bed comforter was a lot more difficult then it needed to be. I just needed to make sure it was perfect. I went to every store you can think of to find one. I even went to some stores at different location and the same location multiple times. After a few hours of searching (sad to say but that is an understatement). I finally found one!

Found it!
had it!
Love it!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
So many things, so little time
I am sitting in the middle of my room holding back tears.... I have only 8 days till I move. Crazy. My room is close to empty. My bed, a mirror and a box are the only things remaining,but those will be gone shortly. I still have so much stuff to do. I have many things to take with me but I am still missing a lot of things. Like a bed comforter. Who knew it could be so hard to find one. I am told that I am being to to picking. Well actually..... Those ones I like are just way to expensive. I just have expensive taste. If I was willing to spend $100-300 on one I would have 15 by now. I still need some kitchen stuff and a laptop but other then that I am good to leave. I feel like I still have a ton of things I need to do before I leave though. I need to get my room cleaned out so my mom can paint it for my sister to move in to it.
I am sad to leave my room. I have so many memories in here.
I remember seeing my room for the 1st time. I remember painting it purple... then a few years later painting again they way it is now.... I remember Missy and I building a fort in my room and then sleeping in it... I could go on and on about all the memories in my room, but its getting late and I got big plans tomorrow.
I am sad to leave my room. I have so many memories in here.
I remember seeing my room for the 1st time. I remember painting it purple... then a few years later painting again they way it is now.... I remember Missy and I building a fort in my room and then sleeping in it... I could go on and on about all the memories in my room, but its getting late and I got big plans tomorrow.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Taking steps
Today I began packing... It feels kind of weird. I need to get my room cleaned out this week. My little sister is going to be moving into my room when I leave, but my mom wants to painted before I leave and her school starts.
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