Thursday, February 28, 2013

Since February is over...

I went to Vegas for the weekend a few weekend ago.  My brother had a gymnastic meet. Just him, my dad and I went. A short trip, but it was fun!!

I am very proud of him. He did very good considering he has a hurt back and it was his first he could compete in. 

I helped my mom with a Valentine Party for my little sister

She can't make normal faces either 
It must run in the family

I learned how to wheel throw! 

I turned 20!!! 

My roommates are the greatest!!! 
They decorated, in the night so when I woke up I was surprised!
quick story: I came home from an awesome dinner Wednesday night (which by the way was super fun! I got sang too, and got a delicious roll with Nutella on the top and a candle, it was great!!) and I was just laying in my bed watching some Greek! trying to fall asleep
After watching 2 episodes and not being able to fall asleep, 
I got out of bed and started talking to my roommates
They asked why I wasn't sleeping 
I told them I couldn't sleep
so what do they do??
They drugged me. 
Lorelle offered some of her Melatonin 
I refused it
but she kept on insisting that I take some, so I did. 
Shortly after I ate it, I was sound asleep, not to wake up tell the morning

I had plans to meet my family in Layton for dinner,

On the way there the sunset was so pretty.
I couldn't help take some pictures
Probably not the safest thing to be driving and taking pictures
but I got some good ones 

 My mom made the most delicious cake ever!
Peanut butter EVERYTHING!!!!!!!

Friday (the day after my birthday), I saw Melanie for the first time in FOREVER (and that is no understatement!!!) 
She is my best friend!!!
I miss her!

 Later that night, 
I got entertained for hours with bubbles!
and people trying to eat them. 

 Monday, I was craving Frozen Yogurt (as usual)
I dragged my roommates along 

The juice balls things are the best!

and finally, just another proof of how dorky I am... 
Yup! I wore that out in public

and...another dorky face,
seriously, I don't think it is possible for me to make an normal face in ANY picture.

P.S. My brother come home in 14 days!!! 

Monday, February 18, 2013

This is why people love me or hate me... either way is chill

Exhibit A
I wear sweat pants and boots that clearly make me look like a pirate.

Exhibit B
I make faces like this
and this
and I let my hair get out of control

Throw-up and I have an unusual friendship we trend to meet the toilet,garbage can and or kitchen sink A LOT!
See I have this thing where if something is gross in ANY way (such as, it looks, smells, feels) I tend to throw up... If I didn't throw up I have most certainly gagged. (I have some great throw up stories)(I shouldn't be proud... but I am, cos they are great stories!)
(sorry, was that too much?)

I have worn plastic wrap on my head and gone out in public (More than once)

I am the inventor of the "Fat Seat"
(Not the actual seat, just the name)

(you, should admit that this drawing is pretty good!!!)(ha.)
I know I have a picture of the original fat I just need to find it
(story behind this to come later...)

Sometimes, I try to face plant on the couch... and fail 
so I knee plant instead

I say "Melk" instead of "Milk"
I am known for saying
"So, Yum!"

That's pretty much that is it...
Happy Monday (night)!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I have a personal fingernail painter...

I'ma, the kind of girl who loves to have my fingernails painted.I usually just paint my nails 1 one simple color sometimes 2 colors when I am in a crazy mood. If am in a really CRAZY mood I try to do some kind of design that usually doesn't workout.  Well, Micaille (who is my roommate!) is a pro at it, so today I asked her to paint a sweet valentine design on my red al painted nails, and this is what my fingernails look like now! 
Cute right??
yup! Micaille is pretty great! 
Now lets see if I can keep them till Valentines day
(I have a problem chipping them!)

 Oh!I had a little trouble getting good pictures

Then I just had fun... 

I have been in my apt. way too long today! 
Someone come get me out!!! 

Good news moment:
I get new tires on my car tomorrow!!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The one time I didn't wear any pants...

The story behind this picture:

Just over 3 years ago, Alexis and I received these lovely shirts from one of our best friend after he returned from a little vacation to Disney World. These shirts were probably the most attractive shirts Alexis and I have ever received. Not only were they shirts Grandmas long for, they were 5x's too big, they probably could have fit this lady

Alexis and I needed a good reason to wear these shirts without looking like total idiots.
Our ward was having a young women's over nighter. Alexis and jumped at this opportunity to show off our great shirts. We didn't want to wear these shirts with normal pajamas pants, that wouldn't do the shirt justice. We decided to wear no pants. Don't worry, we were wearing underwear, oh and little booty shorts. We walked around the house, with no pants. I remember thinking we were so cool. We took some pictures, and put some sweat pants on.

 Don't worry, it just looks like I am giving birth....
 butts up... I mean... look at our lovely socks
 Grandma hats, to match our shirt Grandma shirts
Cousin It.. 

The End.